Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a medicinal plant in the form of pseudo-trunked clump of plants. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) comes from Asia, which spread from India to China. Therefore, both nations touted as the first use of ginger, mainly as a beverage ingredients, spices and medicines.

Ginger has been cultivated in the countries of Australia, Sri Lanka, China, Egypt, Greece, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Ginger from Jamaica has the highest quality. India is the country's largest producer of more than 50 percent of total world production of ginger.

Understanding stem ginger in Indonesia is growing in the soil called rhizomes. Based on the size, shape, and color rimpangnya, ginger can be divided into three groups, namely large white ginger ginger also called rhinoceros, small white ginger, and red ginger (ginger sunti). Body warmers
Ginger rhizome can be used as a spice in cooking, giving aroma and flavor in foods such as bread, cakes, biscuits, confectionery, and various beverages. Ginger is also used in industrial medicine, perfume, and traditional herbal medicine. Can also be processed into pickled ginger, made pickles, fresh vegetable, bandrek, sekoteng, and syrup. Today farmers use chilli ginger as a natural pesticide.

In trade, ginger is sold in the form of fresh, dried, powdered, and preserved. There is also processed as oils and koresin, obtained by distillation, which is useful as a mixing ingredient in alcoholic beverages, ice cream, sausage, and others.

When we drink a glass of ginger wedang, round, bandrek, or esteemje aka egg-milk-honey-ginger, to be sure the body will feel warm. This is the most popular properties owned ginger. In fact, there are many other properties such as ginger to cure dry cough and sore throat as well as a tonic.

Also, ginger can also increase appetite for stimulating the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. For those who often suffer from land or sea drunken, ginger useful to prevent drunk. There are even experts who said the plant is useful in cases of kidney irritation. As an external medicine, grated ginger can also be used as a compress to treat rheumatism and headaches.

Pickles and pickled
Rhizome of this plant is commonly cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia. Its use in the world of medicine was already done long ago. Today, Western countries also do research on these crops for use as a drug. In Denmark, the plant is examined in order to obtain active compounds that can be used to treat rheumatism, and succeeded.

However, ginger is actually more popular as a food and beverage. In Japan, bamboo shoots or used as material tunasnya vegetables, pickles, or pickled. The results were processed very popular because the aroma and flavor characteristics. To the body, food from shoots of ginger helps nourish the body, improving urine, and improve the digestive system.

Ginger rhizome can also be processed to be candied. Way, which had been cleaned ginger cooked in sugar water for 2-3 hours. After it was moved to a place and left for several days. Ginger cooked for the second time in a sugar solution such as when cooking first. Once drained and cooled, these sweets are ready to be enjoyed.

In the past, how it is used in Canton, China, for export purposes. In other places would do differently, even more complicated.

Only, in this way candied ginger is still deemed too spicy. There are ways to reduce kepedasannya as is done in Jamaica, which is soaked in water for 12 hours.

Alternatively, ginger that has been cleaned up, then flattened, then soaked in salted water for 24-48 hours. After that, again soaked rice in water for one night. Next soaked again in fresh water for 5-10 days and the water was replaced every 12 hours. As a result, ready to be used as material sweets.

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