Monday, November 15, 2010


Surgeons cool the patient to a condition close to death so they can dissect the patient whose blood was not flowing. The physical condition of patients is called hypotermic arrest (from awalah hypo, which means lower than normal, and that means Therm heat / heat) in this condition, the heart stops beating and blood circulation stops. In these conditions, can be deadly.
This method is used in surgery, for doctors to dissect the brains of patients when blood flow stops. A person can survive with the method hypotermic arrest since the brain is more able to survive longer without oxygen. In 1990, the method used hypotermic arrest at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital Medical Center City of New Yprk aunerysm to cure diseases of the brain of a boy 24 yr. In this case, the surgical team lowered the temperature of the patient so that b erhenti bedetak, emptied of blood from the brain of patients and improve aunerysm tsb. Once the surgery is completed the blood flowed back through the patient's body, its temperature rises, and then his heart beating. Se4minggu then the patient leaves the hospital. Like a death process that actually can save a life.


doctors currently testing a way to use cryosugery to destroy various types of cancer. c ro means cold. cryosugery using extremely cold temperatures to destroy diseased tissue. nUsed used this method to cure skin cancer, now this method is used to Annas tumors in the body. example is the organ that can dijamgkiti are liver (liver) that is not possible dialkukan conventional surgery. cryosugery use small devices to freeze the tumor. beditu small piranbti ddalam liver was successfully inserted, the device it will be out of liquid nitrogen with a temperature of about -200 0C to freeze the tumor sertah kill cancer cells. experts to observe the process, which takes approximately 15 minutes on a monitor screen ultar sonic.

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